so i got told i'm gonna burn in hell for wearing a mask and for the way i dress once again i've lost faith in humanity.This whole shit storm is showing me the true idiots of this planet.Sometimes i wonder why people like that are aloud to breed masks are here to prevent the spread of covid-19 these people are just mindboggling.And as for the way i dress haha being goth does not mean i'm a satanist yeah i kinda like pagan and wiccan stuff but hey karen queen of the christians i was raised roman catholic what ever happend to love thy neighbour jesus.But other that i got some spicy noodles and teriyaki wings it was good also ate like 8 maple cookies and i bought some black lipstick black nail polish and black eyeliner(cuz i ran out) i also had to pick up some sketch books for school but yeah today was okish other than that lady.i'll update again later
Most people are really stupid. I usually just ignore people that hate on me. Hope things are going well for you on NewGrounds. I prefer being here, than the real world.
oh big mood hun this place is so much better than insta and fb i still use my space.but yeah people suck the world sucks but this place rules.